September 14, 2024

What To Do and What Not To Do While on Bail

When someone commits a crime, the judge may permit release until the trial occurs. The accused pays bail and is allowed to reenter society with the bond acting as a promise to return and act appropriately. While out, it’s important that you behave and avoid decisions that could revoke this liberty. Be careful, and consider your actions.

How To Act While On Bail

You likely worked with a bondsman to schedule and arrange your freedom. Listen to the rules set out by the court and Lancaster county bail bonds companies to understand what is acceptable. Set up times to contact the bondsman as this allows him or her to know where you are.

At this time, you want to avoid future trouble and should remain focused on being a good citizen. Stay away from groups of friends that could involve you in illegal or dangerous activities, and be careful of your drinking. It’s best not to draw attention to yourself right now.

Work a lot! While you don’t want to overdo it, you can and should find employment. Positive behaviors show citizenship and hope to improve yourself and society; therefore, getting and keeping a job is a good thing.

What Not To Do

Be respectful of the court system. Show up to your appointments on time, especially hearings. These actions demonstrate consideration and politeness. You do not want to anger the judge or lawyers.

One major rule of bail is that you cannot, for any reason, leave the district without the court’s permission. Do not plan trips or plan to get out of town for a bit. If this occurs and the court finds out, you could be placed back in jail. It’s important to be responsible and hold the court up highly.

Whether you were arrested for battery or DUI, you should not have a weapon in your home during bail. Turn over weapons to the authorities, and be sure to discuss what you have given to them with your lawyer.

Do not take drugs or hang around people who do. If your lawyer or judge suspect this behavior, be willing to submit to a test.

Bond isn’t a right; it’s a privilege. When a judge releases you, it is with hope and faith that you can make the appropriate choices. Before you act, consider the rules of the bond. Keep decisions within the realm of the law.