What Not To Say After A Car Accident And How To Protect Yourself
Accidents are jarring and disruptive and often catch you off guard. Sometimes, they can even turn your life upside down. It’s difficult to have your whits about you afterwards and saying the wrong thing is easy — too easy. If you’re involved in an accident, instead of saying the wrong thing, contact a Philadelphia car accident lawyer to keep you on the right track.
Even if you mean well, saying the wrong thing can cost you your case. It might be difficult, but after an accident it’s best to limit your conversations with the other people or witnesses involved. You can offer to call for help and make sure everyone is safe, but refrain from talking about the accident or the details leading up to it.
Here’s a list of things to avoid saying after an accident:
After An Accident Don’t Guess About Your Injuries
Thankfully, the adrenaline pumping through your body will prevent you from feeling the pain or strain of any injuries. Unfortunately, that means any injuries you do have won’t be felt until several days later. For this reason, no matter how severe the accident is or how you feel immediately after, never claim to not have accident related pains or injuries. It’s best not to speculate or offer information and just wait and see. Anything you say at the time could go on record and anything experienced after the fact could be denied.
Don’t Apologize For Anything Related To The Accident
Our natural instinct is to apologize, even if we’re not at fault. While this is courteous, it can be used against you. No matter who you’re talking to, avoid saying “I’m sorry,” in any context.
Apologizing can be misconstrued as admitting or accepting fault.
If you believe you were at fault, still refrain from apologizing or taking accountability. Accidents are confusing and messy, and sorting out who is liable should be sorted out by lawyers and insurance companies. This includes avoiding statements such as “ I didn’t see you” or “you came out of nowhere.”
Don’t Give Official Statements To Anyone But Your Lawyer
Insurance companies and others involved in the accident may try to pressure you to give an official statement. Unless you’re talking to your own personal accident lawyer, never give an official statement. You can also decline to be recorded when providing unofficial details of what happened leading up to the accident.
Additionally, avoid saying “I think” when providing official or unofficial statements. Everything you say must be certain and without a doubt inorder to avoid being manipulated by the insurance companies. If you aren’t certain about a detail, simply say you can’t answer that question or defer to your lawyer.
Avoid Posting on Social Media
These days we tend to share everything on social media but when it comes to sorting out an accident case, sharing the event or the details leading up to it could harm your case more than anything. If for example, you were out that same night with friends and posted photos on your social media, this could hurt your case. Or, if you go out after the accident but claim personal injury, insurance companies could use that to prove you aren’t hurt. For this reason, it’s best to not post anything about your accident on social media or immediately after.
Navigating the world of accidents and personal injury is difficult and best left to the professionals. It’s easy to have your heart in the right place but say the wrong thing. Backtracking is nearly impossible so it’s best to consult with a car accident attorney in Philadelphia after an accident as soon as possible.