February 13, 2025

Search For An Injury Lawyer Near You

Angry millennial couple complaining about bad contract disputing with lawyer

In this article, we will talk about how important it is to keep a cool head after an accident and try to remember the most important steps you need to take. On many occasions, the injured worker, or in the case of a car accident, the victim is not in a position to follow the steps that we will mention below due to the serious injuries suffered. If this is your case, do not worry, because in general in the case of serious injuries, the police report and the medical report showing the seriousness of your injuries and the cause of the injuries is usually a sufficient argument for a lawyer who takes your case and seeks good compensation for the injuries you suffered from the accident. If you are injured and want to find an “Injury Lawyer near me,” you can search online, but it is best to get a referral.

What Is Personal Injury?

Any type of injury that occurs as a result of an accident is considered a personal injury. Below we are going to mention the most common accidents for which a personal injury claim can be opened:

  • Personal injury from a car accident
  • Personal injury from a work accident
  • Personal injury from slip or fall
  • Personal injury from run over
  • Personal injury from a motorcycle accident
  • Personal injury from a dog bite
  • Personal injury by accident aboard UBER or LYFT
  • Personal injury from a bus accident
  • Personal injury from truck accidents
  • Personal injury from a construction work accident
  • Death by accident

 Having mentioned the types of personal injuries, we also want to mention the most common causes of all types of personal injuries.

Distracted Drivers 

Distraction is one of the most common causes today. One of the reasons that distracted drivers top the list of accidents is because in the state of California the last 5 years the number of car accidents caused by distracted drivers has multiplied by 10. Mobile phones are a technological advance that makes life easier for us, but it also comes with some negatives for negligent drivers. Despite the fact that practically all over the world and specifically in the state of California the traffic law prohibits talking on the phone or texting while driving, it is still a very big problem. One of the reasons that it is illegal to drive and use a mobile phone is because it is a major distraction and the largest cause of car accidents in the state of California today. According to reports from California state patrols, the increase in accidents caused by distracted drivers using a mobile phone has already exceeded that of drunk or drunk drivers in recent years.

Drivers Under the Influence

Drunk drivers are the second largest cause of car accidents in California. On many occasions, they are drivers who have already been involved in drunk driving car accidents and have DUI’s. They may have had their license reinstated, but not changed their addiction to alcohol. And so, many go around the steering wheel still intoxicated. In that case, there is a 95% chance that they will have an accident before getting to their destination.

Road Rage

Road rage is aggression against other drivers. This type of aggressive action is seen daily between two vehicles that for any number of reasons had a mishap on the road and escalated to aggressive driving and it ended in an accident. When driving, try to stay calm. Always when we learn to drive we are taught that it is important to pay attention and know the meaning of traffic signs. Respect for signs is important for every driver on the road or highway. Signs serve a very essential purpose for driving safely. They are designed and placed in strategic places to facilitate the flow of traffic, avoid traffic jams, and especially accidents. Get help after the accident by searching online for an “Injury Lawyer near me.”